
NSGSC Club Oversight

This club policy overview provides information and direction on the operations of NSGSC. It is a single point of resource for all members, although policies may also be found in the applicable areas of the website. All Club policies are designed to be in compliance with BC Soccer rules and regulations and conform to league and district rules as well as Canada Soccer guidelines.

NSGSC Constitution

North Shore Girls Soccer Club is a registered BC Society in compliance with the BC Societies Act.  The Club was founded in 1986, and officially became a Society on March 15, 2017.


The Bylaws of North Shore Girls Soccer Club were most recently upated and ratified at the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The laws govern the Board of Directors and their meetings and committees, our Members and the financial matters of the Society.  Our AGM is held annually in September.

Governance & Executive Limitations (including DEI)

This policy outlines and summarizes: (i) the organizational structure of NSGSC; (ii) the key functions and responsibilities of NSGSC’s directors, officers, executives, staff, members, volunteers, and other participants; and (iii) the principles, rules, policies and other documents applicable to the operation and governance of the Club, and to the conduct of individuals participating in Club business and activities.  This policy was adopted by the Board of Directors on April 18, 2023.

Financial Expenditures & Oversight

This Policy outlines the responsibilities of the  Board of Directors, represented by the Finance & Audit Committee, the Treasurer and the Executive Director in the review and oversight of the Budget and financial operation of the Society.

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the responsible and risk-based delegation of financial expenditure authorization to:

  • Protect the assets of the Society;
  • Ensure the maintenance of accurate records of the Society’s financial activities;
  • Provide a framework for the Society’s financial decision-making and procurement;
  • Establish operating standards and behavioral expectations; and
  • Serve as a training resource for staff.
Refunds & Collections

The NSGSC Refunds and Collections procedures are managed by the Club's Registrar.  This Policy is updated annually and reflects the required process and timelines in dealing with cancellation or withdrawal from an NSGSC program.

Discipline & Complaints Policy (including Harrassment & Maltreatment)

NSGSC is committed to providing a respectful and safe work and sporting environment.  Achieving this environment depends on mutual respect, cooperation and understanding among all Individuals participating in NSGSC activities.  NSGSC’s objectives in introducing this policy are to prevent disrespectful or harmful conduct, including but not limited to Maltreatment, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, and to provide safe, reliable processes and procedures for resolving Complaints in the event that such conduct does occur.

This policy applies to all Individuals. All Individuals are expected to refrain from all forms of Maltreatment, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.  

Safe Sport Policy (Including Rule of Two & Protecting Children)

NSGSC recognizes that there is a need to ensure that our Club provides players and coaches with an environment on and off the field that are physically safe and accessible.  These environments are free of unethical behaviour, including but not limited to harassment, abuse, physical/emotional/sexual maltreatment and discrimination. This Policy reflects on:

  • Physical & Psychological Safety
  • Rule of Two to protect minor athletes and coaches
  • Protection of Children from Abuse

NSGSC notes that in particular as a female-first Club, concerns about physical/emotional/sexual maltreatment of female players have been highlighted across amateur sport in Canada.

Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Inclusion and Participation Policy

The Club believes that all participants deserve respectful and inclusive environments for participation that value the participant’s Gender Identity and Gender Expression.

Concussion Protocols & Return to Play

Concussion: A type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. NSGSC adheres to the policies of the BC Soccer Association and Canada Soccer Association on concussion management to maintain the safety of our players.

Privacy & Indemnity Policy

NSGSC takes seriously its obligation to protect the personal information privacy and security of our members and their families. NSGSC collects the personal information of its members and their parents/guardians to deliver the club’s programs and services, marketing club events, processing payments, for administrative purposes, and to comply with other legal obligations.

Image Consent Policy

As part of our annual registration, each member must acknowledge an approval waiver to confirm consent for NSGSC to collect, use and share your/your child's first name and/or image for specific purposes as outlined in this Policy.

Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership is required for participation in regular league play.  In order to register as a player in regular team play, a Membership will need to be taken and an approval waiver acknowledged through our registration process.

Impairment-Free NSGSC (use of prohibited substances)

In order to best serve our community, it is vital that our employees and volunteer leaders are not impaired by drugs or alcohol while at work/on-field and are not in possession of drugs or alcohol during Club Events. Impairment from drugs or alcohol can result from acute, recent use, hangover effects, chronic use, and/or withdrawal effects.

Quick Links

PHONE:  (236) 476 - 3350      MAILING: 1040 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC  V7R 2A7