If you would like the full video recording of the meeting please email
Roles & Responsibilities
Thank you for volunteering to be the Manager of your child’s soccer team. The following information will help you in understanding the role of Team Manager. Most importantly, it’s in your best interest to delegate many of these responsibilities. We strongly encourage you to ask parents to do specific jobs (rather than ask generally for volunteers) instead of attempting to do it all yourself.
Role of the Team Manager
- Take the lead from the Head Coach running the team.
- Assist the Head Coach with all the organizational and administrative parts of running a team.
- As a registered Team Official you are part of the Team “Staff” first and foremost. You are a team “parent” second.
Responsibilities of the Team Manager
- Ensure all team members are aware of team practice and game schedules in a timely manner.
- Schedule parents to assist coaches to line/cone the field for HOME GAMES, usually only when you are the first team to play on the field that day (N/A for U4-U7)
- Schedule parents to assist coaches to set up or move goals for game days (N/A for U4-U7)
- Communicate & confirm game day information with your opponent, especially if there is a chance of weather delays
- U11-18 BCCSL Teams - Report game scores EVERY weekend following your game (win, loss, tie) to the BCCSL website
- File Referee reports, if required, based on game-day incidents (N/A for U4-U7)
- Complete and submit to any Injury Reports from practices/games
- (OPTIONAL) Schedule parents for team refreshments for each game (usually oranges and/or hot chocolate)
- Pass on to team members and their parents any communication regarding canceled games or practices, re-scheduled games or practices, Club events such as Photo Day, Jamborees, Coaching Clinics, Tournaments, IWD, social events, re-registration and newsletters from the Club.
- Distribute the Player/Parent Code of Conduct to each player and family
- The Manager and Coach are responsible for advising any parent that may be interfering with the game or the practice that they are committing a serious infraction of the rules of Soccer and that the parent could cause his team to forfeit the game and/or cause the Coach to be disciplined. It is the Team Coach who is ultimately responsible for the conduct of team parents and spectators at the game, so please keep cheering and behaviour positive!
- Please keep communications open within your team and amongst the coaches, parents and age group coordinator (AGC). Be smart and respectful with written communications on email and team chats.
- Please advise your AGC if any player drops out during the season. Refunds are only available until December 13th. The Registrar must be contacted and an administrative fee is deducted. The amount depends on the date of request. See our Refund Policy on the website for the various dates & amounts.
- Support with any team meetings. We recommend that Team Coaches hold a team meeting with parents at the beginning of the season to review issues such as game and practice expectations, safety, communications and problem solving. Managers would work with your Team Coaches to arrange such a meeting early in the season.
- Uniforms
- Responsible for pickup and distribution at the beginning of the season which include:
- Shorts, socks, jerseys (home/away for U11-18/W) for each player
- Goalie shirt and gloves (N/A U4-U7)
- It is imperative the uniforms assigned to your team be used for games, including touraments. No other uniforms or swag pieces may be used on-field other than those distributed by the Club.
- Responsible for pickup and distribution at the beginning of the season which include:
- All team coaches and managers will be required to complete a Criminal Record Check and carry a BC Soccer Photo ID card or NSYSA ID lanyard to games. The purpose is to ensure that team officials on record are actually the ones running our children’s teams.
Your Age Group Coordinator (AGC) is there to help you with any questions or concerns, so please don’t hesitate to contact them if there is information you cannot first find on our website. However, please keep in mind that they too are volunteers and managing age groups with 250 plus players and their families.
Manager Resources
Download the TeamSnap APP!
● Don’t use your old one
● Don’t add players manually they must be registered
● Once you add a schedule, it will be LIVE on our website
At NSGSC we use TeamSnap as our team communication provider. Please make sure you download the TeamSnap app on your phone and get yourself set up so that you can see all your game and practice schedules, team messages, and updates/changes to your team.
For the basics on how to work TeamSnap please click HERE
If you are still having difficulties navigating the app, please contact Ethan, our club registrar
Important Dates
- Exchanges & Top-Ups- LIVE in-store: North Vancouver at 180-400, Brooksbank Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C2
- All requests to
- NEW players? Notify us so we can get a kit for you!
PLEASE NOTE: We are also offering various swag options and accessories for you to look and feel great about being part of Canada's Largest Female-First Soccer Club! These items come in both youth and adult sizes so both players and players can wear our double blues with pride!
Find all our swag options by visiting our Macy's online store or go into the Macey's Shop here in North Vancouver at 180-400, Brooksbank Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7J 2C2
● About your YOUTH TEAM (rosters, practices, games, etc.):
- FIRST reach out to your Team MANAGER;
- Can't find your team, THEN contact your AGE GROUP CO-ORDINATOR (AGC).
● About COACHING (sessions, support, training, etc.): Reach out to your Technical Development Manager
U4-U7: Lee-Ann -
U9-U12: Amelia -
U13-U18: Amar -
- Reach out to our Programs & Registration Coordinator, Ethan -
● About issues with your REGISTRATION (profile, payments, refunds, etc.):
- Reach out to ourPrograms & Registration Coordinator, Ethan
● About RENTALS at the NSGIF (Indoor Facility): Bookings can be made HERE
● About HEALTH & SAFETY concerns:
- Reach out to our Health & Safety Officer Jana,
- Reach out to Meghan -
● About FIELDS for practices, pairings or games:
- Reach out to our Fields Coordinator Nicole,
ALL current/live updates of what is happening at our club can be found on Social Media:
Instagram: @nsgsc_northvan | Facebook: @NSGSC | Twitter: @nsgsc_northvan
Referee Information
Information & Education for Coaches, parents, managers and referees CLICK HERE
No show & game cancellation email:
Interested in refereeing email:
Club Culture
NSGSC is the largest female-centered Club in Canada! We are proud of the place this gives us to lead by example for equity in sport. We offer safe, inclusive programs and teams to support those players questioning their gender identity or identifying as transgender. We are constantly working on inclusive language to remove conflict for those who do not identify as she/her even though we do have a “G” in our name. As a club, we focus not only on building soccer players but also on building strong leaders for our community. We look to incorporate not only soccer-based programming but also strive to create club events to enhance our culture off the field.
Our Vision: Delivering soccer excellence through empowering girls and women to be their best both on and off the field.
Our Mission: To inspire a lifelong love of sport through delivering fun, inclusive and progressive soccer programs for girls and women across the North Shore.
Diversity & Inclusion
Gender Identity and Cultural Identity are very important for members and coaches to understand in order to fully be able to connect with ALL of our players and make them feel comfortable in our environment. At NSGSC we are going to be providing more education around these topics in order to make sure that we are all informed.
At NSGSC we focus on supporting players of all identifications through inclusivity:
● Welcoming LGTBQIA+ players, including those in transition and those that identify
as he/him
From “Girls” & “Ladies” TO “Team” “Folks” “XX (team name)”
From “she/her” TO ”they/them” or “all/you” or “XX (player name)
● Supporting Coaches/Managers with an overview player gender identification of
their team rosters
Welcoming all players:
● See it, Be it. We welcome and include players from all nationalities and
backgrounds, and celebrate the North Shore’s cultures and First Nations
Below are Some Useful Resources:
Resource #1: NSGSC Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Policy : Click HERE
Resource #2: Inclusion in Sport - Coaching Resource : Click HERE
This will help coaches and players understand the terminology and how to create safe spaces and recognize that language is an important tool for belonging and affirmation.
- Page 4 : Why is this Important for a Coach?
- Page 5 : What Can I do?
- Page 5/6/7 : Actions and Ideas for Everyday Gender Nurtural Language
This includes both action items and participation guidelines to support you in managing your team.
Development Options
Did you know we also offer a Development program for all players in and out of our club. This is a great way to spend an extra night a week having fun with friends and improving your soccer skills!
The Details:
- Open to all players looking to improve their game:
- Weekday evenings at the NSGIF, non-conflicting with your team schedules
- Focused on fundamentals: confidence, decision making, ball and foot skills through an age-appropriate curriculum
- U6-U18
- Finishing School: Strikers and GKs
- NEW Strength & Conditioning Team sessions COMING SOON