Game Day Information
Game Schedules

Important Links

Support For Ferry Costs
NSGSC will support the travel costs as follow for all SC/BI games:
- Bowen Island U10-12 up to $300 (4 cars + drivers / 14 players)
- Bowen Island U13+ up to $400 (5 cars + drivers / 17 players)
- Sunshine Coast U10-12 up to $400 (4 cars + drivers / 14 players)
- Sunshine Coast U13+ up to $600 (5 cars + drivers / 17 players)
Reimbursable costs include PLAYER and COACH/DRIVER ferry fees = Car + driver + passengers.
We will not reimburse fuel as this is about the same as any other game.
To receive reimbursement, we need ONE report from the Team Manager (or Coach) summarizing the above, ideally with receipts. This report needs to include:
Please email all information to:
Goal Differential & Game Scoring Information
To address “blow-outs” relating to scores and the enjoyment of all at the field, the board has agreed that effective for the Sept 28-30 weekend of play and all weekends thereafter, in U13-U18 age groups there is to be no more than a goal difference of 7 reported for all games. This means, if you win a game 8-0 it gets reported as 7-0. If a game result is 10-1, the score would be reported as 8-1. U11 and U12 games still need to be reported as the actual score, and these results do not show publicly but are required internally for the re-tiering considerations which will be more prevalent in these age groups.
Uniforms & Equiptment
Below is information regarding what uniforms and equipment teams and players will be receiving for their season. Please Note: sky jerseys are for home games, navy jerseys are for away games
U11 - U18
1 Club sky blue jersey & 1 Club navy blue jersey
1 pair of navy league shorts
1 pair of striped socks & 1 pair of navy socks per player
Team practice balls - kept with coaches year to year (enough for 1 per girl on the team) - size 5
Game ball - kept with coaches year to year (1 per team) - size 5
Cones (as needed)
Goalie jerseys (if teams have goalie jerseys that are too small, bring them to exchange for larger sizes)
Nets (as needed, needed for teams playing on grass)
Pinnies (as needed) - 12 per team
Corner flags (as needed, needed for teams playing on grass)
Goalie Gear: Please visit our store at Macey's Sport to receive club-provided goalie gear if needed.
Metro Teams
1 Training T-Shirts included
2 game balls per team
1 Training T-Shirt included
2 game balls per team

Field Set up and dimentions
Field Dimensions (Metric)

Game Duration