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North Shore Girls Soccer Club (NSGSC) is a non-profit society incorporated under the British Columbia Societies Act.  As such, our Club is required to have a register of Members in order to provide for good governance and sustainability of the Club.  The Club's Board of Directors, in accordance with the Bylaws, requires that memberships be purchased in order for players to participate in league play.

Membership entitles each member to all benefits as outlined in the BC Societies Act.  Most notably, members receive notice of, and are entitled to attend and vote at, all general meetings of the Club.  These benefits are valid until the Membership Expiry Date, which is August 31 of the following calendar year, unless the membership is renewed. Memberships are taken on an annual basis and, unless renewed, expire on August 31 of the following calendar year.

Membership Guidlines

Club Governance

Membership entitles each member to all benefits as outlined in the BC Societies Act. Most notably, members receive notice of, and are entitled to attend and vote at, all general meetings of the Club. These benefits are valid until the Membership Expiry Date, which is August 31 of the following calendar year, unless the membership is renewed.

Club Participation

Membership is required for participation in regular league play.  In order to register as a player in regular team play, a Membership will need to be taken.  The Membership must be current and in the same year as the start of the program.  So after the 31st of December, in the year a membership is taken, the member must renew the Membership before registering in the following year's programs.


How to Become a Member?

The Parent/Guardian who registers their child 18 years and under will be required to become a member during the league registration process. The membership for NSGSC is free and will be a mandatory part of the registration.

Women's Division players must also be members to play in our club and will also be required to become a member during the league registration process.

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Join Our Board TODAY

NSGSC is looking for active volunteers to join our Board of Directors, with a minimum of two director seats to fill, all interested candidates are welcome to apply.  The current Board would value candidates with financial & facilities management experience. The Board meets once/month ~ 9 times/year.   If you are interested, please send a short note introducing yourself to before August 27th.  We  are also always looking for volunteers to join one of our standing committees, for more information, please contact

Quick Links

PHONE:  (236) 476 - 3350      MAILING: 1040 Handsworth Road, North Vancouver, BC  V7R 2A6